Ogbono soup (draw soup) is one of the most popular soups in Nigeria. Here, you will learn how to make this delicious soup and why it falls into the list of Nigerian popular soups.
You will also find a video on making Nigerian Ogbono (ogbolo) soup at the bottom of this page.
While searching the web I have learned that there are over forty different soups that are eaten in Nigeria and there are probably about a hundred of other foods, the list would likely run into thousands if I counted both fruits.
Here we talked about the process involved in making Nigerian draw soup (ofe ogbono).
This soup is actually easy to prepare because almost all of its ingredients could be prepared by traders in the market, making it very easy for the cook.
What you find above is a delicious plate of ogbono soup, I used just a handful of uziza leaves
Although most people prefer this soup without leaves, I made the video below with bitter leaves. You can substitute different leaves for most Nigerian soups.
I can also make this soup with fluted pumpkin leaves. I have even eaten ogbolo soup that was made with uha leaves by my grandmother several years ago. So you can experiment wildly!
Ingredients for Ogbono (Draw) Soup
Here are all the ingredients for making Nigerian Ogbono soup, it would serve about 6×2 persons ( I could refrigerate the remainder for up to two weeks)
Assorted meat 1.5kg
2 cups of ogbono seeds
Stockfish head (medium size)
1 medium-size dry catfish
1 cup of crayfish (ground)
Fluted pumpkin (a bunch)
1 teaspoon of ogiri or ground dawadawa or okpei (local ingredients) (optional)
250ml of palm oil
salt and pepper to taste.
Serving: 6×3.
From top: Stock fish head, ground ogbono seed, assorted meat, dried catfish and bitter leaves (Onugbu).
Assorted meat is always preferred above all other types of meats in Nigeria. This is just different parts of a cow, from the intestine to the tripe (shaki), kidney, liver, heart and also red meat (beef).
Like I stated above. This soup is very easy to prepare, you can grind/blend ogbono seeds with a blender or hand grinding machine. I can do this at home or use the service of the trader who sold it in the market (for people in Nigeria only).
Selecting the right Ogbono seed and other ingredients.
Most people don’t know the difference between the authentic and the fake ogbono seeds, the best approach would be to buy from a trusted trader. Although there is just very little difference between the two, the only difference is that one has better elasticity.
Another ingredient that has a direct effect on any Nigerian soup is the dry fish used, I like to use the round dry catfish.
We buy it in most Nigerian markets and African shops, if you can get your hands on a good one it tastes nice in soups
I made this soup with bitter leaves, boil the bitter leaves with water for ten to fifteen minutes. This technique would further reduce the bitter tastes and also soften the leaves.
Some people also add a little bit of edible potash just to hasten the whole process, but I highly advise against this practice because it can change the texture of your soup, decreasing the nutritional value.
Soak the dry fish and stock fish with hot water for a few seconds, then wash.
Break the fish and remove the center bone.
Here is how to make Nigerian ogbolo or Ogbono soup.
Parboil your meat the normal way, with all the necessary ingredients (2 seasoning cubes, a teaspoon of salt, onions, a teaspoon of your favorite beef spice).
Ask them for beef spice at the grocery store or local market, there are different brands.
How to Cook Ogbono Soup
Add water to the meat after about ten minutes and cook till it is soft enough for consumption and the water is almost dried (just about 1 cup left), You will need to add 7 cups of water at this point.
Add the washed dry fish and stockfish, 250ml of palm oil, ground crayfish.
Stir, cover and cook for 10-15 minutes.
Add salt and pepper to taste, add another seasoning cube, add the ground ogbono seeds, stir and cook for another five minutes.
Taste your soup. (you can add more salt, pepper or seasoning cube)
Add the vegetables.
Stir and allow to simmer for three minutes after adding the bitter leaves (as below).
You just made a very delicious Nigerian ogbono soup.
Video For Ogbono Soup
What you see above is the video for making Nigerian Ogbono soup, I had to list all the ingredients used as well as a step by step detailed instruction for making this delicious Nigerian soup, Enjoy!

Ogbono soup | How to Cook Ogbono soup
- Pots
- 1.5 KG assorted meat
- 2 cups ogbono seeds
- 200 Stockfish head
- 1 medium-size dry catfish
- 1/2 cup ground crayfish
- Fluted pumpkin a bunch
- 1 teaspoon of ogiri or ground dawadawa or okpei local ingredients (optional)
- 250 ml of palm oil
- salt and pepper to taste.
- Wash the dried fish and stockfish and set aside.
- Season the meat with a teaspoon of salt, onions and two seasoning cubes. Allow to boil, then cook till it becomes tender.
- Once the meat is well cooked and the water is almost dried, add 5-7 cups of water to it.
- Add the cleaned dried fish and stockfish, 250ml of palm oil, ground crayfish.
- Stir and allow to boil for 10 minutes
- Add salt and pepper to taste, add another seasoning cube, add the ground ogbono seeds, stir and cook for another five minutes.
- Remember to stir in-between so you don't let it burn.
- Taste your soups and add salt to taste.
- Add the vegetables (bitter leaves or flute pumpkin)
- Stir and allow to simmer for three minutes after adding the bitter leaves.
- Serve Ogbono soup with Eba, fufu or semo.
Compare other Nigerian soups
Return to All Nigerian Foods
Thanks much Ma’am 😍
I just cook a delicious ogbolo soup mixed with okra today, it’s the first time I cook ogbolo soup, very delicious.
Thanks to everyone who made this happen.
I love it because it is a native food which contain all ingredients that is useful for body
Great! I love this, thanks Chidi
Nice i also make mine same way and somtimes i do add okro
Tanx dear for ur fine ogbonno soup recipe. . Please keep sending more recipe to. me. God bless u..
Kudos to u dear for this lovely ogbono soup,now am good to go for this soup,now planning to know more of Nigerian soup,My husband said are u sure you made this soup yourself or u employ expert to cook for u(a Yoruba woman) ,unknown to him that my secret is from you,Thanks dear,awaiting for more.
This is perfect. I love your recipes, I use them to improve my cooking and most times I wonder if I’m actually the one who cooked the food because it tastes perfect. Thank you soon much for your wonderful recipes
You just helped me make the best ogbonno soup ever.
You made mention of ingredients like ogiri but in the process of preparation i never knew when you added it
Thank you so much ma, i really appreciate.
Thank so much for this recipe, but pls you have not answer my question on bitter leaf soup.
Thanks a bunch.
Thanks I must say u’r a good cook…I will try it but will add okro to it thanks a million.
Thank u for the video I love the Nigeria because am a Yoruba girl but what I see is inside this ogbono soup there is no pepper
It’s nice but in this very video, there was no where pepper was added to the soup. Or do they not cook Ogbono-soup with Pepper?
Thanks so much for the recipe. Pls is the pepper a blended dry pepper
Wow I just made it now…it was superb
I used goat meat and it was fine.. thanks for the recipe
hi i am making this next week for my partner and he wants me to use goat meet
meats i will be using shaki dry cratfish and stockfish i was wondering if you can help. how do i cook the goat meet beofre hand to put it in the ogbono when i am preparing it. thankyou
i like your cooking method ma.since you love daddawa aroma i would like to introduce you to my arewa special made you will like it too i make it and sale.
I like dis site… It really help
I will give this a trial. Thanks for the good job you are doing
what does dawadawa actually do in soups? and it hardly dissolves
The method is fantastic. I am following it to cook my ongoing soup now
I love edikaiong and okor soup, they are very sweet. U
And urcur making me to be hungry, keep it on.
Please can you make a video of this?
Awesome. Keep the good work up. Will try this tonight…..
My favorite draw soup. Prefer mine with okro and ukwu. Atime, I add small egusi. Very delicious, the more the variety of ingredient, d better d taste
Your site is very informative. In making my ogbolo soup I add okro
Been wanting to make this soup particularly; now I can try. Thanks chy
Chidi, u are one in a million. Your ogbono recipe is awesome. Keep it up. Mind you I love the egusi soup most. But as a typical Lagosian when I cook ogbono I love to add crab and Shaw’s. The yorubas will know what I mean by Shawa and Crabs after adding the offal. Chidi keep up the good cooking.
I use to heat the palm oil and dissolve the ogbono before cooking it. Thanks a million for this site I’m loving it. I’ve also tried your fried rice recipe but I use tumeric in place of curry and it was fantastic. I love you Chidi
it is delicious in deed. but my problem is that here in north we don’t have much leaves.
It seems like each ingredient has its own time to be added in the soup while preparation is going on. Sounds like mathematics to me.I always shove everything inside at once and go my way.No wonder my mother calls my soup cut and nail.Am I not right to think that cooking is a woman’s thing?.Now I know why my wife’s and my sister’s soups tastes a lot better than mine.Sometimes I force myself to eat my own It seems like each ingredient has its own time to be added in the soup while preparation is going on. Sounds like mathematics to me.I always shove everything inside at once and go my way.No wonder my mother calls my soup cut and nail.Am I not right to think that cooking is a woman’s thing?
Chidi you rock! I have been enjoying your recipes. Keep it up and God bless you
Nice one Chidi,
You should not use onions to boil your meat when making ogbolo soup, cos onion reduces the elasticity by the time it’s cool.
Edo woman
to know d good ogolo seed, wen u pick a handul, its fresh and a bit cloudy but d bad ones are old and dark. I use to prepare my ogbolo this. way till I met my friend and neighbor. she puts d ogbolo in. a. plate add plenty oil and stir while. meshing it too. den she heats it til everything dissolves. then she pours it to d boiling meat on fire. u will love it. very elastic…..
nice one katie. a true daughter of the edo soil
hi chy. you are indeed a good cook. nice recipe for ogbono soup. its actually one of my tribal soup. its well enjoyed with pounded yam or soft eba. keep it up
I am madly in love with draw soup. I made ogbolo soup yesterday even my Hubby loved it.
I will try ur method of ogbono soup chy
Bravoo Madam Chidi.. U just hit the point and easy for a beginner to comprehend ..
Uh lala the soup taste yummy
for the lady who wanted a recipe on bread, u can do chicken mayo sandwich. after u have boiled ur chicken with all d seasons, u blend and then mix with mayonnaise. u can add some bits of fresh parsley leaves, salt to tase and black pepper. spread d mixture on ur bread and ur sandwich is good to go
Ogbono can dissolve smoothly in hot water also: just add it to the pot of boiling meat and give it a few seconds while turning it at the same time and that will do.
Nice and easy method of cooking ogbono but i did not see you add pepper in the video, i guess it was an oversight though it was mentioned as one of the ingredients.
Have bin eager to make assorted ogbono soup for my husband all dis while but I ve no idea of how to go about it. Am rily about dis procedures. A big tnx to the Nigerian kitchen.
Can I Add Dawadawa After Putting Everytin?
Yes…i always add to mine….buh i prefer the steer fry method…where i fry the ogbono first to bring out the nutty aroma n flavor!
I love this soup too. But, egusi has to be my favorite.
I always love all ur recipes cos it gives me more about Nig native soup……….I WANT SOME MORE
thank you so much for the recipes u have been sending to me> its helped me a grate deal. now i can make other Nigerian native soups.
am doing well now.
thanks to you.
Wow! i love Ogbono soup. i combine with okra and stew… its super delicious with Amala.
this soup is super i will try it tonight
thank you i have learn another style of cooking ogbon soup.
my honey boy loves ogbono soup alot. i prepare exactly your way. he eats it in the morning n evening. chy u rock! keep it up!
I like the soup so much,I add uziza either the seed or the leaves,it adds ts own taste.
wen will dawadawa(okpei) b added to d soup
I dissovle ♍Ɣ ogbone in warm palm oil how abt dat
Lovely Ogbono soup, this is exactly how I make mine,except that I use red meat and
ponmo,can’t wait to try it with assorted meat.I’m yoruba but I love
varieties,that’s what most ladies fail to realise,don’t just feed your
husband with eba and egusi all the time,lol.looking forward to
learning more from you and thanks you’re doing a wonderful job.God bless you real good.
Can I cover the soup after pouring d ogbono?
I lov this site.I must say u r doin a great job.I’m goin to try ogbono today.I cooked edikaikong few days ago,my husbnd enjoyed it wt pounded yam.tks a million
never you cover your pot of ogbono soup, either when cooking it,or when warming it. cos it will lose its drawness later when its cold
Liking the site!! Ogbono soup is our traditional soup we don’t cover the soup after u put your ogbonor so the soup doesn’t get watery and lose ability to draw well y dishing,so pls don’t cover ur draw soup…..proudly Edo
Just made this oooo! Hubby swallowed a morsel of Eba n said this is World Cup Qualified! Lol! Cnt wait to cook ofe Akwu for him cos I haven’t cooked it for him since we met. Pls is there sandwish recipe? We love bread toast a lot but need other ideas other than sardine n tomatoes sandwish.
This site rockz!
Nice….will try
Ogbono soup is also my favorite Nigerian soup and I am not alone on that, my family tOo! We make more of this soup than any other Nigerian soup. And yes I like a combination of ogbono and okra but my hubby seem to have issues with soup combos, he like straight soups, no combination.
I like ogbono soup and amala, I am a confirm yoruba guy, that is the best.
I also like to make acombination of ogbolo and a little quantity of Okra, that way it taste more delicious. This is one of my favorite soups and I like to enjoy it with garri (eba).
I like my own ogbono fried I cook with bitter leaf and I like eating it with pounded yarm so delicious
Yes! Finally, here is my favorite Nigerian soup. I am a Yoruba woman and as you know, we eats lots of draw soups, Ogbono is one of them. Ewedu is also there.