Zobo drink is another one of Nigeria’s popular drinks.
You have absolutely nothing to lose but so much to gain for taking a chilled glass of zobo Nigerian drinks.

Zobo Drink Benefit
The health benefits are immeasurable, although this depends on the ingredient you used while preparing it.
In a separate article, I have written about all the benefits of Zobo Drink
For starters, it quenches your taste.
It is one of the easiest Nigerian drinks you can make any day and the necessary ingredients are cheap also. I think you could make 2 liters of this drink with just a 400 Naira. ($1)
Do You Like Zobo?
I never really liked zobo until I learned about its nutritional values, it is one of those drinks that are made purely from natural ingredients.
Just like the fruit juice, you wouldn’t require any artificial ingredients or coloring in most cases.
I would personally recommend just natural ingredients (zobo leaves, ginger, cloves).
But most Nigerians wouldn’t have zobo without the accopanying sweetness.
Here we are going to do it just the way Mama Iyabo does it.

The plate above contains ginger, about 3 fingers of ginger would do. The ginger inset would be enough for 3 cups of zobo leaves.
Also 1 tbsp of cloves
Hausa women also make tasty zobo, the Igbos are just beginning to learn about this wonderful drink.
By the end of this article, you would have learned how to make zobo, the popular Nigerian tasty drink.

The first time I had a taste of this drink was at Bori Camp Portharcourt, those days in a secondary school; I visited a friend who happened to come from Yoruba – the best makers of zobo drink.
I can say not much about the origin of this drink, but I know the Yorubas are the major producers. I think they even have zobo soup, 😆
How to Prepare Zobo
Here is how to make zobo in Nigeria, you will learn about all the ingredients used for making zobo and also why I prefer this above many other Nigerian drinks. With the number of ingredients below, you will make about 3-4 liters of zobo.
Ingredients For Zobo Drink
- 3 cups of dried zobo leaves.
- Ginger (2-3 fingers).
- Flavors and sweeteners
- 1 tbsp cloves
- 4 liters of water.
Preparation time: 30mins | Serving: 12 persons
The standard roadside zobo drink can be made with just four ingredients – the zobo leaves, choice of flavor, cloves and ginger.
As you already know, the zobo has a somewhat sugary taste, most people added a few cubes of sugar or just use the regular sachet flavor.
You buy it the same place you bought zobo leaves
There are several other flavors for making zobo, they come laced with the necessary amount of sweetness. You will find them in any Nigerian market, especially from those selling the zobo leaves.
How to Make Zobo Drink
Step 1
Hand-pick every unwanted substance from the zobo leaves, wash and start cooking with about 3 liters of water. Don’t soak before washing, just pour water, wash, and transfer into the cooking pot.

Step 2
Cook to boil before adding the ginger, you can pound them to a pulp or grind with a kitchen blender, the same way I did mine.
Add the cloves too.

Step 3
Cook for another ten to fifteen minutes before you taste the zobo, it may taste sour.
Step 4
Allow to cool a little, filter and add the joccy pineapple flavor that already contained sugar.You don’t want it too sweet. So add half a teaspoon and observe. Refrigerate.
That is how to make zobo, it’s easy, right?
It should really taste nice.

Zobo is one of the popular Nigerian drinks, it is easy to make and can be made in under 30 minutes. Serve chilled with your favorite snack.
Zobo as a drink has innumerable health benefits that I can’t even mention.
Ginger which is one ingredient for this popular drink improves heart and sight conditions.
To learn more about ginger, I have written an article about Healthy Nigerian Foods

Zobo Drink Recipe | Hibiscus Tea and Benefits
- Pots
- 5-6 cups of dried zobo leaves.
- 3 fingers ginger
- 1/2 teaspoon pineapple flavor.
- 4 liters of water.
- Remove every unwanted substance from the zobo leaves.
- Wash and start cooking with 3 liters of water (3000ml)
- Allow it to boil before adding the ground ginger.
- Cook for another 10 minutes and turn off the heat. Filter and allow to cool for 10 minutes before adding the pineapple flavours.
- Referigerate and always serve chilled.
The Video above Shows You How To Make This Delicious Nigerian Drink.
Other Nigerian Drinks Includes
Compare Zobo Drink & Chapman Drink
Just like so many people, I also love Fruit Juice
Here is my List of Nigerian Drink
After trying out this zobo recipe, I would love to read your comment below, thanks.
What are the benefits of ZOBO drink?
How to make Zobo Drink – Video
This would have been a much nicer article without the Hausa, Ibo and Yoruba additions…. The Hausas are the ones who made Zobo popular in Nigeria…even the name ‘Zobo’ is Hausa. A bit of research on Zobo drink would have provided you information on its origins.
I tried ur zobo recipe it came out good, plss can any one assist me wit all d ingredients I need to make it for sale, I want my to taste unique plssss
Is there ever any time you people are not begging?
Can I get A-Z steps of making zobo and the its ingredients?
Can one use the main pineapple fruit, instead of the satchet flavor?
It is very important to add zobo pepper called kanafuru in Yoruba. Even if you drink much of zobo it wouldn’t affect your stomach
My zobo is not pepper the way I want it to be what can I still do to make it pepper
Thanks for the zobo recipe and preparation it was really helpful
the ginger was added minutes later after the zobo leaves were allowed to boil, why was that so, why was it not added immediately the zobo leaves were put on fire?
Zobo drink is such a powerful drink especially when you take it chill thanks to Zobo drink my husband love it
Weldone, please i need kunu recipe. Thanks
That jolly stuff in a sachet the one that comes in different flavors that also sweetens the drink has destroyed the beneficial aspect of the drink.. served Everything naturally, use honey instead of that stuff, add pineapple peel or diced pineapples with the peel when cooking the leaves to get the flavor and taste.
Thanks for this educative site. God bless you richly.
Can I cook the zobo leaf together with pineapple back?
Thanks, l discover that my zobo drink tasted bitter and I don’t know why. Pls can u help me out.
Thank you all. But can we now post videos, testifying on how ZOBO really helped us in. I believe we all have something to say than right about
Is zobo good for pregnant woman or some trying to conceive
Thank you so much. Pls how many quantity of these ingredients will be enough for 150 people?
Thank you for this recipe, great job here
Please how can one preserve zobo for mass production. Answer needed urgently. Thankx
Wow” thanks chy for the recipe, you can preserve sobo for 4 to 6 month by adding preservatives.
My husband loves zoo drink so much so I always prepare it with riped pineapple, riped banana, ginger, zoo leave and coca cola Flavour. It tastes good.
How many liters of water can i use to serve 150 people, d Zobo will be poured inside a bottle of coke size for 150 pple ….
Good, it my pleasure to give best compliment for these tips and ideas to expand pple online you all the to make house wife to learn fast about kitchen product, thanks.
Please what’s kalamfari & how does it look like?
How healthy is the joccy’s pineapple flavor?
How healthy is the joccy’s pineapple flavor added to the zobo
How do we preserve Zobo for mass production?
I love zobo so much since i learnt how to prepare it, I don’t buy from people again i do it myself. But i do add banana with pin
Apart from honey and sugar, what other natural sweetener can one use to make zobo taste sweet. God bless you mightily for the great job you are doing.
Great jobyou have here. However, the flavour you are recommending is not healthy. At all, at all.
Nice one,do I remove d leaves immediately after boiling or I still infuse in d water till it gets cold?
can zobo drink be persevered for 6-8months… if it’s possible, which preservative am I going to use???
can zobo last for 4-6month
I love the simple explanation on the sobo preparation.I will surely try this recipe out today.Thanks for sharing
How do I preserve the leave after the first used
nice one I love did group
Nice job! How do I preserve it 4 commercial purposes?
since i learnt how to make zobo drink, i have been enjoying it and even sell it to make a lot of money
My dear i tank u vry vry much cos am n lov wt dis drink an av being beging pple to teah me an dey kip turning me round nd round. God bless you. how do i get ur cookbook?
Pls can I av d recipe and I need more abt juice and there recipe
Hi. Just a correction. Zobo is NOT a yoruba drink it’s actually hausa/northern hence the name soborodo. It’s people who can’t pronounce it that call it zobo. It is grown abundantly all over the north (plant not a fan of too rain) Just thought to clear that up. And you use the bark of peeled pinapple (let it have a bit of the fruit its self) and boil it with the leaves then you will have the natural pinapple flavour without the sour taste.
i must appreciate u also. i decided to browse u because those i instruct to do it will not do it at my time , they do it as if they do u a favour. now i can do it also. God help me
Thanks for the info nice one.
um my cousins in US dont like zobo why? and is coca cola one of the best flavours?
this zobo drink is very good n nutritional pls i need partners to partner with me to produce it on large quantities for sale
i am interested, can i get your number, this is mine, 08106552879
In making d zobo drink i find out dat afta d filtering nd all,i still find some particles in it.wht do i do to avoid dese particles
Pls, does honey make the zobo ferment?
God bless ur effort
Nice one,my mum buys pineapples,allows them to get very riped and then she cutts them into pieces and boils with the zobo leaves…
vera manyi, u can only buy it in the market, u can ask people arround u they will tell u where to get it in abuja thanks
Thanks for sharing…..I luv zobo
I have prepared it in different ways, but the best of them all for the sake of health benefits is to prepare the zobo by adding garlic, moringa seed juice, lemon juice and flavours of ur choice with sweetener, if u need more informationn mail me.
How can I mail you, please can you teach me how to make zobo drink without the taste fermenting and how long can it last when refrigerated
Lovely recipe,but u can also add pineapple,cucumber and watermelon,blend den dem and pure in da juice only,u sure will love it,but u must put it da fridge immediately after making it,da da juice shud be added when da zobo is cold,coconut flavour is nice too.
Thanks for the lecture. Can i add kola and orange flavour in it?
Please what are the nutritional value of
zobo? All the same I love your job nice one.
I heard about the health benefits of zobo drink, I immediately cook it for the first time last night. I added cinnamon powder and honey. The taste is so good!
Is there any other flavour you can recommend to add to Zobo aside from ginger?
Thank you!
Hello Chidi,
I was able to get the bottle flavor, can I use it instead of the sachet? And do I add it to the drink
l thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us.any one you send , i always do it practically to learn more.
Why is the drink called a white man’s drink?
I love zobo drink too.. adding kanamfari gives it a great taste as well. thank you Aunty Chi you are really doing a great job here
Is their any side effect of taking zobo drink that is not chilled and left for 3 to 4 days
Pls, For How Many Days Will Zobo Last Without Light?
Pls Reply, It’s Urgent.
Thanks Abunch.
thanks, u are a great teacher
Even I have eight bottles in d house now and use one and eat in school, very interesting. I do prepare and send to my Mum and her family.
Dear Chi! Pls if U need help for prepareing it and suply to people, just send information tr dis my line, 08036957560.
Tanx Rm Blessed
Dear Chi! I so much tank God who gave u d wisdom u brought out in zobo. Becos I and our family so much love zobo drink dan any other drink dat is y I can make it perfectly and hv it ready at any time in d house. My Gran Mum love it most bf she died, dat is y she used to call it white People drink.
tanks nd god bless u for dis wonderful enlightenment
Thanks for the knowledge shared, God will reward you. please how may times can you make use of the zobo leaves before you dispose them?
Good To B Educated Like This, Nd Also 2 U Guys, Ur Comments Are Encouraging
Thanks chy for sharing your knowledge with us, may God continue to enrich you with fresh anointing to do exploit in your profession
Remain blessed! wishing u a blissful XMAS and prosperous NEW YEAR with all your good expectation in Jesus name. Amen!
I prepare my zobo for commercial sales. My customers love it and they keep asking for more. Is a good biz when well prepared.
Pls I what to start zobo business, how best do I prepare it in order to sell fast and taste good. Thans
Ma can u please enlighti me more on this zobo making because will like to do it for commercial purpose. Thanks
Please Send it to my mobile number
Just prepared zobo drink for the first time, chai my whole family is having fun….. Hope the sugary taste of the sweetner is not harmful to the body?
Tnx so much 4 d recipe it is lovely
Thanks so much for the recipe.lovely taste
I got the recipe here 2weeks ago for zobo, I made it perfectly and to crown it all,i still have it in my freezer,whenever I want to drink,i take it out, and it tastes fresh, I guess that’s the best way to preserve it
i gave zobo making a try and almost all my dudes and shodies keep asking for another glass. Twz xo good, tnx 4 d lesson.
Pls why does zobo drink taste fermented when stayed long?
God bless u all in Jesus name Amen .pls don’t give up in oda to teach 9jia nowadays girls on how to care for their husbands.
Am very excited for educating me on how to prepare Zobo drink.THANKS
thank you so much for the educating us on how to improve our life style with our local food.
please what preservative can i add to my zobo drink to stop it from fermenting? i produce the drink on commercial scale. thank you
you can use alcohol in preserving the zobo
How can i use alcohol to preserve zobo?
Secondly,is the preservation inclusive of refrigerating?
You website is really good
Really good
As Racheal had earlier said wen i used only ripe pineapple,d taste was soar bt adding d flavor gives u d real taste of d drink.
Tnx 4 d recipe pls I am a sweet tooth o,but I knw d fear of sugar is d beginning of wisdom so can I substitute wit honey
Tanx for the article, adding fresh pineapple without any preservative can it last three days in d refrigerator?
yes it will, even for a week or two, as far as it is refrigerated,for me i freeze the bottled zobo drink then thaw when i want to drink it
The zobo recipe is very perfect,U can add other spices such as kanafari,Masoro,but neva add garlic or samiya (tamarind) to it.
Yes o….. d ingredients isn’t complete if kanafuru wasn’t added…..u can even add lemon. …Orange. ….garlic…..
pls when do i add the kanafiri and masoro. secondly, will i get it to buy in the market as well…tnk you
Why,What will they do,what will happen if I add those you mentioned?
That was a good one .I also add Garlic to my zobo drink
Thanks chi for this wonderful article
Thks u but I trying using just pineapple alone the taste was so soar nd clappy I dnt knw why it was like dt
Sorry Rachel for dat…. pineapple alone can’t do d trick u have to add pineapple flavour dat will act as d sweetener….without it it will taste sour…
you can add the back of the pineapple juice to it, but let it be moderate
I love that pepper taste in it, is it the ginger that is pepperish or the zobo pepper
Thank you very much.I have to cook it mysef.
Hi Chi, nice article there. Have U tried adding garlic,samiya, and karampama seeds to zobo?. U can get these items from d same seller. The taste is awesome. The nutritional value is wonderful.
You are doing great job here. God Bless you, please can I add tumeric to zobo
What is samiya and karampana called in Yoruba.thanks
Hello chy,i hv learnt a lot of tin I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ the nigerian kitchen.u re doin great.pls kept it up nd i will like u to highlight me O̶̷̩̥̊͡Ŋ how to prepare zobo drink.tnx
Thanks very much
This is very interesting pls cn we refrigerated d Zobo drink for 2 to 3days
Thanks for the zobo recipe, I have read a lot of articles on how zobo is very good for our body, and for a long time I have been hoping to prepare this drink for my kids. Please can I get the leaves in super markets here in Abuja?
No Vera. U wont get it in a supermkt. U’l get it in d local mak and its mostly sold by pple who sell grains like:rice,millet,corn,beans e.t.c. mostly sold by ths hausa.i even bought some earlier 2day an prepared it jus abt an hr ago. Good luck on ur search for zobo leaves.
Well, is good to have people like you coming up to educate people on simple basic diet they need to know. Your effort is very rewarding.
Can’t wait to try your recipe. I don’t have sachets but I am going to try using pineapple juice. Maybe half pineapple juice added after boiling and using only the half water. Thank you for your recipe! I am trying to incorporate more hibiscus in my diet to help lower my blood pressure. This sounds tasty!