Detoxifying With Aloe Vera

June 6, 2017
Chef Chidi
Aloe Vera Juice Recipe

Detoxing With Aloe Vera is what I do regularly and I think you should too.

I launched a campaign some years back against junk foods.

While the article appealed to most of my readers I also proceeded to write an ebook “the science of healthy Nigerian foods” and also made sure the ultimate Nigerian cookbook featured healthy tips in the first five pages

Dotoxifying with aloe vera

I talk about eating healthy foods with every chance I get because I believe you are as healthy as what you eat.

When I write articles like this most people won’t read it to the end because they wouldn’t want to stop eating some of the foods they love.

Did you read the email – “Don’t forget the vegetables?” yet, if you are subscribed to receive my newsletters, you will get it soon.

Ironically, most of the good foods are not sweet and most of the sweet foods are not healthy; with fruits being the exception of course.

I read that the average lifespan of a Nigerian is less than 53 for men and about 55 for women. So my question is –

What is killing Nigerians?

After a minore research I learned it boils down to

1. What we eat
2. What we know
3. Where we live

We can start by eating the right foods.

Today is about routine detoxification – Detoxing With Aloe Vera Juice

The average lifespan of the Chinese people was 67.77 years some years back, now it is 75 years. At that age, they still play football and ride bicycles. You can’t say the same about Nigerians.

The topic is really about bitter stuff and sweet stuff – detoxification process to keep your cells healthy.

Most people wouldn’t eat stuff that isn’t sweet even if it was going to save their life. Someone once told me “no matter how healthy it is, if it is not sweet, it won’t pass my throat” lol.

The truth is “you are as healthy as your body cells”, and your body cells are directly depending on your daily food choices.

Detoxing With Aloe Vera

So the question is “What do you feed your cells?” Are your decision swayed by your appetite or you are disciplined enough to conform your appetite to a healthy standard?

If your cells don’t get any healthy nutrient, they die faster; and when they die faster, you age faster. So when you are 40, you will be looking like 55.

I used to make this aloe vera juice, it was super nourishing and healthy but it was bitter. I would like to call it my detoxification remedy. I would share the recipe with you if you ask for it… :D: but in the meantime, let’s talk about routine detoxification as a means to keeping your cells healthy.

Common sense tells me that while I go about taking soft drinks, sodas and all sorts of baked stuff, occasionally, It is very necessary to detoxify! For this reason, I cooked up an aloe vera juice recipe and planted aloe vera at my backyard. Aloe vera has antiviral and antibacterial properties, and the ability to help treat everything from constipation to diabetes, acne, hair loss, cough, wounds and repair damaged cell.

Acemannan is one of the wonderful elements found in Aloe vera gel. It is a complex carbohydrate that allows nutrients to reach the cells, nourish them and at the same time relieve them of toxins.

Isn’t that reason enough?

If all you get from aloe vera juice is just detoxification, don’t you think that is good enough? even if it is bitter.

On the contrary, sugar, chocolate and everything with synthetic sweetener does the exact opposite. They are the reason your body gets toxic in the first place.

Sugar speeds up ageing process; it is the major cause of fatigue and tiredness. Results in weakness of the cell, lowers your immune system and ensure you are always on drugs. Do you want my aloe vera juice recipe already?

What I am proposing is that while you go about eating chocolates, cakes, cookies and taking all sort of drink with additives, Occasionally, you should drink bitter stuff.

As much as possible, avoid sugar, honey is a wonderful substitute.

As much as you can, take aloe vera juice, a glass for every week would go a long way in detoxifying your body.

Use the comment from below to talk to me.


I just published my Aloe Vera Juice Recipe Here



Thanks for this enlightenment, may God continue to bless you, pls how can someone plant aloe vera?

October 20, 2019

Thank you ma for this educative piece.
Pls, how can I get the recipe

October 17, 2019

Thank you for sharing this knowledge. God bless you.

January 23, 2025

I appreciate you once again for this piece. I’ve very educative.

October 14, 2019

Wow Chidi that was so so educating, i have learnt something but then can you pls e_mail me on how to prepare the Aloe Vera gel juice

September 24, 2019
Virtue Wilcox

What a relieve. I am a big fan of aloe vera juice. I usually blend aloe vera, ginger and garlic together which I drink once every week. What a fun way to prepare my delicious aloe vera juice this week. Thanks a lot, am so grateful.

December 3, 2018
Chidi Anegbu

Nice to read your comment dear, I am happy to help.

December 4, 2018

Thank u Chidi for dis enlightenment.
pls I’ll love to hv d recipe.

October 11, 2018

my grand ma takes aloe vera raw & i would be like grand ma
for me this is an eye opner, please recipe.
more grace!!!!

August 24, 2018

Thnks for the educative info, we appreciate. Pls send the recipe

June 10, 2017
chidi anan

Ok, the recipe is almost ready.

June 10, 2017

This is good but is it also good for pregnant women?

June 9, 2017
chidi anan

I cannot give medical advice o, please consult your doctor. Thanks

June 10, 2017

Awesome Chidi

June 8, 2017

I would like to know how it is used and to have the recipe.

June 8, 2017

please i will like to have the aloe vera juice recipe

June 7, 2017
Madueke Jennifer

How we make the detoxification drink then with the Aloe Vera

June 7, 2017
Abaeze Bliss

Thanks for this wonderful info. U will like to have the recipe for my family.
God bless you.

June 7, 2017

This is a great eyeopener to me. thanks for this write-up.

June 7, 2017

That’s wonderful, Aloe Vera Detoxification! Good writeup. My first time in hearing this. I’m waiting to see the preparation. Kudos to you @Chidi.

June 7, 2017

Thanks for this wonderful info. Please I’ll love to have the Aloe Vera juice recipes. God bless you. Keep up the good work.

June 7, 2017

thanks Chidi for this educative piece, how then can we turn aloe vera to a detoxifier.

June 6, 2017
Chidi Anegbu

We would get to that as soon as possible. Thanks for your comment.

June 6, 2017

Very true ma, my mum use to do that a lot n I learnt it, she also adds ginger and garlic to it,though seeing aloe vera where I am now is kind of hard. She uses honey to sweeten it n reduce the acidity, taking only the juice without adequate honey gives me ulcer

June 6, 2017
Chidi Anegbu

Great contribution dear, but aloe vera would never give you ulcer. I just learned that Aloe vera juice may be more effective than some over the counter medications at relieving acid reflux symptoms.

June 6, 2017

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Omg! Chef, I love u so much, God bless d day I came across dis site,u make me wanna eat every time and try all recipes,Have tried d fried rice,mashed chicken porridge,indomie and I am trying d beans 2nyt, U re Jst Awesome,Tnks 4 impacting so much knowledge God bless you, but I still need u 2 teach us how 2 mk friut juice ,nd spagetti bolognese! LOL.